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Introducing a New Process Design

We are proposing a working prototype of a solution using Blockchain Technology where all original documents of a job applicant provided by various institution are saved on consortium, a single guared platform.

Benefits of CertCheck

Bringing Technology to background verification

Turnaround time:

Quite often we have seen a delay in the issuance and verification process of job relieving letters or issuance of duplicate education certificates from the universities. The reason for the delay is manual verification processes which could take anything between 30-45 days.

Research reveals that 48% of HR practitioners are so pressed for time that they cannot verify every candidate’s qualifications and background.

Mainstream use of blockchain background verification can help in:

  • Assessing information accurately, without manual effort
  • Eliminating dependence on the third-party vendors for verification,
  • Finding details from the candidate's last employer even if it has gone out of business.


According to a research by a leading background verification agency, 85% of employers caught applicants fibbing on their CV.

It’s a known fact that physical copies of Educational Certificates or Relieving Letters/Experience Certificates can be easily tampered with. Employers have often caught candidates fudging the past credentials in their resumes. This could lead to a reputation risk for a past employer.

With CertCheck’s hassle-free analysis process, it is possible to quickly examine the candidate's complete academic and work. This directly helps in reducing the negative impact on organizational growth.

The impact of a solid blockchain based BGV model is:

  • Avoids wrong hires
  • There would be a complete audit trail for every certification.

Cost Involved:

Due to the manual nature of the existing process, background verification of certificates and employment consumes bandwidth. In larger organizations, dedicated teams are often deployed to handle this process. The people cost and other related costs could be avoided by digitalizing the entire process.

Why should you opt for Certcheck:

  • Our solution is extremely cost-efficient so that small and medium enterprises should be able to do background verification for all their job applicants.
  • Elimination of a mediator or an agency to conduct checks.